Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Education and Lifelong Learning Essay Example for Free

Education and Lifelong Learning Essay 1. Understand own role and responsibilities in the lifelong learning. (1.1) Having been requested to produce a brief on my roles in teaching and professional values whist teaching in this role. I have to deal with variety of personnel from different ability groups and cultures. I often have to deal with ever changing legislation such as the Joint Service Publications (JSP’s) regarding subjects taught at the training wing, as well as the JSP’s we have to work in line with the Royal logistic Corps Training and Development Team (TDT) which gives up to date changes regarding our codes of practice. some of my roles in teaching the CLM courses are teaching Military Discipline which gets updated regularly from the Army Act 2006, my other key area is Health Safety which is governed by not only the Health and Safety at work Act 1974 (HASWA) but has its own JSP for the Ministry of Defence (MOD). (1.2) As with any organisation the MOD must comply with the Equality Act 2006, as for my role in promoting Equality and valuing Diversity as mentioned earlier the Royal Logistic Corps has a very versatile group with personnel from all over the commonwealth and also having many different religions. We adapt our lessons and exercises in line with the needs of personnel who may require a different learning style than that being used with extra time given to anyone that may have dyslexia or any other learning difficulty, if a soldier requires time off for religious beliefs they will be given extra tuition for the teaching periods missed, concessions will also be made if a soldier wears headdress as part of their religion with time given before and after an event such as firing on a range where they must wear a helmet for safety reasons. Before all students arrive at the training wing they must be at a set standard as directed by the RLC which will include being at the right basic skills level for the course and at the right fitness level they are also required to carry out an initial assessment on the first day of the course to see what standard the students are at, if the student gets low marks on some of the subjects covered they might be placed as an at risk student which means they may require additional tuition during the course but this information is kept between the instructors and the student involved with constant updates being given throughout the course. Whilst the training sessions are laid down the instructors will adapt the lesson so the students understand the subject by involving them in group discussions and are encouraged to ask any questions throughout the lessons. (1.3) In my role as an instructor I am responsible for the day to day running of the training wing and am solely responsible for certain lessons such as Military Discipline, Health Safety and Tactics which involves keeping up to date with all the relevant legislation and the upkeep of the classrooms. I also coach and mentor the Junior Non Commissioned Officers in all the CLM lessons which involves evaluating them during lessons to ensure the subjects are being taught correctly and in line with the RLC’s policy. (1.4) In my role regarding identifying and meeting the needs of the learners I take great care in seeing what sort of standard they are at when they first arrive on the courses by interviewing each student after they have carried out their initial assessments and asking them if they require any additional support during the course and what expectations that they may have regarding me as there instructor. If I feel that the student is going to struggle as their assessments were not up to the standards required during the course they are informed that they are an at risk student but does not affect them in any way if there standard improves and will be given regular evaluations and updates on their performance. 2. Understanding the relationship between teachers and other professionals in lifelong learning. (2.1) Some of the boundaries I face as an instructor in the Military are maintaining a professional relationship due to other instructors having a different outlook on a subject or not doing enough research, at times the Military seem to want a subject taught even if the instructor is not qualified which puts more demands on them. (2.2)Some of the areas of referral we use for the learners are met by having all the correct equipment available during any period of teaching with no time restrictions placed, all learners are given clear guidelines and targets that will need to be met. (2.3)In my role I have certain responsibilities regarding the relationship with other members of the training team and also do all correspondence with other outside agencies that are with our evaluating area such as keeping all internal evaluations are kept up to date with the current policies and keep are lessons up to date and accurate. I am also responsible for maintaining and evaluating all learner feedback and amending lessons that the students feel need changing this is a long process as I need lessons checked by the Training and development team before I can use them. 3.Understand own responsibilities for maintaining a safe and supportive learning environment. (3.1)When maintaining a safe and supportive learning environment this will ultimately depend on the type of lesson being taught but classroom layouts will change depending on the needs of the learners, all lessons are kept short or are broken down so the learners have regular breaks so not to lose concentration. We also do a lot of interacting within the groups to make the learner feel that are giving input to the lessons. In regards to the Health safety of the learners all classrooms are laid out as per the HSE’s guidelines with all lighting, seating and blackout blinds fitted all classrooms have fixed projectors and whiteboards for interaction with mobile whiteboards for learners when they are broken down into smaller groups. A brief is given at the start of each course to ensure the learner understands that the instructors are to help and should be approached if they feel something is wrong. (3.2)To promote appropriate behaviour and respect for others I impose certain ground rules at the start of each course so the learners understand what is expected of them during the course. They are brief on all Health Safety regulations what to do and were to go in case of a fire, that no anti-social behaviour or offensive language will be tolerated and they must be punctual so not to waste the teacher’s time or the other learner’s time and to ensure they don’t interrupt during the lesson if someone else is speaking. They are briefed on classroom etiquette by ensuring the classrooms are left clean and tidy at all times and all mobile phone are turned off our on silent unless a learned has an important call to make then they are asked to leave the room. All learners are briefed to have the upper most respect for all other learners and teachers throughout the course.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

What Is Politics? :: Essays on Politics

What Is Politics On hearing the word politics, what usually springs to mind are images of government, politicians and their policies or more negatively the idea of corruption and dirty tricks. The actual definition seems to have been obscured and almost lost by such representations and clichà ©s that tend not to pinpoint the true essence, which defines this thing, called politics. In order to make an attempt at a definition of politics a systematic approach is required. To begin with, a brief historical overview will be considered, to understand the origins of politics. Following this, different core concepts, which are imperative to a definition of politics, will be discussed, in the hope to discover a true and fair interpretation of the word politics. The word politics comes from the Greek word "polis", meaning the state or community as a whole. The concept of the "polis" was an ideal state and came from the writings of great political thinkers such as Plato and Aristotle. In his novel "The Republic", Plato describes the ideal state and the means to achieve it. Hence, the word politics originally has connotations in the ways in which to create the ideal society. An ideal society is in practice a rather difficult aim and even an impossible aim to achieve. Politics implies measures which could and should, in the views of their devisor, be implemented in the hope to create a better society, than that which is already present. The very fact that Plato and Aristotle saw imperfections in the societies in which they lived, prompted them to write their political philosophies. These philosophies provided the first written recognition of politics. In his writings his "The Politics", Aristotle states that "Man is by nature a political animal"(The Politics, 1) in another words, it lies deep within the instinct of man. It is almost primal. Due to his nature man should consider and realise his role within the "polis". So according to Aristotle Politics is not a dreamt up concept, but rather an inherent feature of mankind. To begin with, the basest premise that underpins the notion of politics should be considered in order to arrive at a fair definition. Man is self-preserving by nature. He thinks and acts, whether that is as an individual or as a group who share interests, with foremost regard to his own interests. Self-perpetuation is the number one rule. He therefore possesses his own interests, ideas and preferences, which may

Monday, January 13, 2020

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Essay

From the first day a child is born, parents are there to nurture their child, to support them as they grow and develop. There is a lot to learn about raising a child under normal circumstances, but when a child has special needs parents must learn this whole new language of medical and special education terms (Overton, 2005). Parents enter this new world where navigating for the best interest of their child is riddled with challenges and obstacles that they need to somehow overcome. This is especially true when parents are dealing with the special education program in their child’s school. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires parental involvement in the education of children with disabilities (Smith, Hilton, Murdick, &ump; Gartin, 2005). The IDEA also guarantees civil rights to children with disabilities and encourages parents to act as an advocate for their child. This seems like it would encourage school professionals and parents to work close together in obtaining the best services needed for the child. Unfortunately it often leads to a struggle in balanc†¦ http://www. 123helpme. com/family-collaboration-in-special-education-preview. asp? id=206428 One of the most controversial issues facing educators today is the topic of educating students with disabilities, specifically through the concept of inclusion. Inclusion is defined as having every student be a part of the classroom all working together no matter if the child has a learning disability or not (Farmer) (Inclusion: Where We’ve Been.. , 2005, para. 5). The mentally retarded population has both a low IQ and the inability to perform everyday functions. Activities such as eating, dressing, walking, and in some cases, talking can be hopeless to a child with mental retardation. Schooling for the disabled requires a special environment—one that only a few teachers have the gift to care for. Instead of looking out for the child’s needs, the government is focused on passing test grades and social skills. Mentally retarded children require a highly trained special education teacher, patience for behavioral issues, and are also required to pass standardized tests; public education for these students move at a faster pace than they can comprehend and lack the personal focus that †¦ http://www. 123helpme. com/special-needs-education-preview. asp?id=206359 Special education essays have become common in recent years because of the need to address this issue in modern days. As a result, students especially those studying special education are oftentimes required to write special education essays by their tutors. As a result, it is essential for students to develop competitive writing skills. When asked to write a special education essay, students need to have factual information in order to have a coherent flow of information. This flow is crucial in helping the reader to understand the essay with a lot of ease. Above all, it is necessary to define special education, the people who need it, and why they need it. Special Education Education is very important in any society. For this reason, some people have gone ahead to describe education as the source of knowledge. In other worlds, one cannot be knowledgeable when he or she does not have education. Importantly, various groups require different forms of education. For instance, the society is made up of people with various needs, like the sick, elderly, children or even disabled ones. In this regard, special education essays must address the fact that special education is designed for students with special needs in the society. In most cases, this education is tailored in manner that addresses the needs of the students. In order to achieve this, teachers are tasked with drafting of teaching procedures and equipment to enhance the learning process. Together with accessible settings, these conditions are necessary to enhance the learning process and ensure that students with special needs are not denied chance gain knowledge and sharpen their skills. In other words, special education eliminates barriers, which exist when a student with special needs is admitted and exposed to a normal classroom setting without any special consideration. What are these special needs, which qualify a student to be considered for special education? Firstly, students with challenges in learning have to be considered. In a normal class, there could students who find it hard to learn because of some reasons. Such students need specialized attention so that they are not disadvantaged in the learning process. When writing special education essays, it is also important to address the issue of communication challenges. These challenges occurs because of poor proficiency in the language being used, thus causing a communication barrier. The commonest factor is physical disabilities. Students with disabilities require specialized education for them to gain knowledge and become productive in the society. These disabilities may include hearing and sight problems. They may also have deformed limbs, as a result of natural birth or accidents. Additionally, students with emotional, behavioral, and developmental disorders require special education. Are you looking for competitive essay writing help? Are you in need of essay writers online? Do you want to buy research papers? We have excellent homework help to meet your needs. Our custom essays focus on your instructions. We provide you with high quality online homework help and best essay writing service to guarantee you A+ grades. http://www. stellacostello. net/special-education-essay/ One of the largest controversies faced by schools today is the mandated implementation of inclusion of students with special needs into general education classrooms. Many administrators, teachers, and parents question the possible academic effects of students with special needs being placed into general education classrooms and being held accountable for the material taught. _______ Rather than segregating students based on their differences, inclusion recognizes that all students are learners who benefit from a meaningful, challenging, and appropriate curriculum delivered within the general education classroom, as well as from differentiated instruction techniques that address each students’ unique strengths and challenges. Inclusion seeks to provide all students with fairness rather than sameness by establishing supportive, and nurturing communities that are based on giving all students the services and accommodations they need to succeed, as well as respecting and learning from each other’s individual differences (CITE TEXT). While inclusion has focused on individuals with disabilities, it is designed to the educational system so that it is more able to accommodate and respond to the diverse strengths, challenges, and experiences of all students. Inclusion programs also provide all students with access to a challenging, engaging, and flexible curriculum that helps them be successful in society.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Improving The Communication Within An Elementary School...

Abstract The purpose of the current study is to better understand how an effective public relations plan can improve the communication within an elementary school setting. In this study, a public relations plan was created for Mater Academy Elementary Charter School to integrate current understanding of how public relations theory and its impact on the effectiveness of overall communication. Communication is a steam or flow of information including verbal and non-verbal impressions. Effective communication is essential in maintaining and enriching the positive working relationships between the faculty/staff, parents, students, and community members of Mater Academy Elementary School. Mater Academy’s written communication plan clarifies and supports the school’s mission, beliefs, and priorities. Also, it is used to effectively monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of Mater Academy’s communication measures, improve outreach opportunities in the school community, and broaden the school’s support base. Providing adequate and appropriate channels of communication between the school and the home ensures that students, parents and educators understand the expectations of the school and lessens the likelihood of misunderstandings. This school relations plan was designed to establish a comprehensive and integrated communications process for effective communication with all stakeholders. It aligns with the district’s goals and its annual objectives are tied directly to theShow MoreRelatedAiding The Future. 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